As the research functions of Center for Economic and Social Studies in Asia (CESSA), Research Center for Economic and Social Statistics in Asia (ReCESSA) plays a key role in constructing and publishing the research database of economic and social issues in Asia. Empirical and policy-oriented research is also conducted on regional economic and social integration and socio-economic development in Asia.


◆ Database of Asian Economic and Social Statistics (ReCESSA Database)

  • 1. YNU Global Input-Output Table (YNU-GIO Table)
  • 2. Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rate (I-REER)
  • 3. East Asian Database Project (EADP)

◆ Research Achievements

ReCESSA conducts empirical and policy-oriented research not only on economic and social issues in Asia but also on regional and global economic linkages, by utilizing the ReCESSA Database. ReCESSA also makes research collaboration with universities and research institutes in Japan and other countries. Research outputs are published through journals and books as well as by holding a symposium/workshop in Japan and other countries.

◆ Research Grant

ReCESSA receives the following financial support for research.

• JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 16H03638

Principal Researcher: Kiyotaka Sato (2016–2018)

“Global Value Chains and Optimal Exchange Rate Policy:Resilience against Economic and Exchange Rate Shock”

• JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Generative Research Fields” 17KT0032

Principal Researcher: Kiyotaka Sato (2017–2020)

“Economic Analysis of Competitiveness, Growth, and Environment in Asian Integration: Application and Extension of Global Input-Output Table”

• JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 16H03326

Principal Researcher: Naoko Soma (2016–2018)

“Comparative Gender Analysis on Intergenerational Relations and Double Responsibility of Care: Perspectives for Developing an Inclusive Community Care System”